The Cost Of Modeling Against The Convenience Of Fiverr

As a model you are a self-employed, independent contractor, you are the sole trader in your own small business. The agency you sign to doesn’t have your personal documents and your name in their system so you are not an employee. As UK Models,whether you are freelance; working gigs through fiverr or you have signed to a top modelling agency, you will become subject to basic start-up costs and will be required to cover all of your own promotional expenses such as composite cards, Z Cards, agency books, portfolio, and for some agencies they will charge you to be on their website.

Getting started in the modeling industry might sound scary and not worth the risk and investment. Promotional expenses can range greatly anywhere from £50 – £300 per year to post your photos on the agency website, £100 – £500 per year for composite cards, in addition to couriers, postage, legal and accounting fees. Professional models who have been in the industry for quite some time understand that this is simply doing business and are willing to take care of their own costs to promote their own business: Themselves.

These multiple costs are the reason why so many self-employed take to Fiverr to get their jump start into their dream and why would modeling be different?