The Hospital Group Discusses Best Practices for Reducing Future Medical Risks

The Hospital Group recently took some time out to discuss the importance of utilizing preventive health measures in all facets of life. Recognizing the shortcomings of the reactionary approach that leads patients to seek care only when an issue has already had some level of negative impact, the organization has made repeated attempts to spread greater levels of awareness among the population by emphasizing how much easier it is to maintain health than it is to work on restoring health.

This is especially important given the rise of employment opportunities that seem to foster a more sedentary lifestyle. Office jobs keep employees essentially tethered to their desks for extended periods of time, and sites like Fiverr have given rise to greater opportunities to work from home, which only makes it easier for individuals to experience extended periods of work-related inactivity. Obviously, these changes have a tremendous and negative impact on overall health, and the risk of developing a serious medical issue only increases the more sedentary an individual is throughout their workday.

According to The Hospital Group, there have been several studies indicating that individuals whose employment prevents them from being active while at work still experience a significant and negative impact on health even when they engage in physical activity outside of work. This is an important factor that individuals must be more aware of, as far too many people think that they are doing enough in terms of their preventive health measures when the fact is that there is still a great deal of damage being done in spite of their efforts outside of the workplace.

Fortunately, workers who are faced with the prospect of diminished health due to the nature of their work can take steps to reduce the likelihood of serious medical issues arising in the future. While it remains important that these workers continue to engage in physical activity outside of the workplace, they can greatly improve their odds simply bychanging their habits throughout the workday. Something as simple as taking a 10-minute walk break every hour or even every other hour can make a significant difference, as this will improve the flow of blood through the body while also helping to maintain a base level of cardiovascular fitness.

In certain circumstances workers may not be able to leave their desk every hour, so it is important to have other options. The Hospital Group suggests that workers explore options to make their workstation more conducive to brief or sustained bouts of physical activity. Standing desks can be beneficial, and some workers have found it enjoyable to utilize devices that mimic cycling without requiring a stationary bicycle. The key is to ensure that the worker is engaged physically throughout the day, and that type of beneficial physical engagement can certainly take place right at their desk or workstation.

Short, frequent bouts of activity have long been associated with some of the healthiest populations in the world. In the famous “Blue Zones” in which residents live up to 20 percent longer on average than their counterparts throughout the rest of the world, there are several common traits that seem to play a clear role in the continued health and well being of these particular individuals. In terms of activity, every Blue Zone features residents who engage in regular and sustained physical activity like light gardening or frequent walks throughout the area, with these pursuits most often involving a specific daily purpose that makes the activity feel worthwhile.

While it may not be possible for office workers or work-from-home employees to adopt a daily lifestyle similar to that of people living in Blue Zones, it is still valuable for these workers to take note of the simple strategies these people use for preventing future medical issues. As The Hospital Group has noted with great frequency, preventing future issues is every bit as important for continued health and well being as immediately addressing an existing medical issue.